Dress Like a Miracle Worker: Interview with the Make-a-Wish Foundation's Wish Assist Manager

A Note from the Editor:

I have taken a step back from my blog at different points over the past five plus years, however it has always and will always be a piece of me. It started as a creative outlet as I felt restricted in my early career and simply wanted a platform to create. I wanted to tell stories, not about myself, but about others. I had no idea that it would lead to the opportunities it has.

It helped me secure a role as a copywriter for a global fashion brand, as well as led to a role as the Public Relations Director for Rolls Royce and Bentley Beverly Hills. As I consumed myself with helping build other brands I took a step from building my own.

The most critical reason for taking a step back was due to battling a life-threatening diagnosis in the summer of 2010. I battled a chronic illness that was without a doubt the biggest challenge I have ever faced. Not only was the diagnosis traumatic, the recovery and aftermath was treacherous. With that said, Rich Skinny Pretty has remained a part of me. Having an outlet to channel my creativity when I was on bed rest, healing and returning to normalcy was definitely one of my biggest tools during recovery.

I'll never forget I had an opportunity to partner with Teen Vogue on a campaign at MAGIC in Vegas during my recovery phase. I did not hesitate to go even though I was not fully in a state of good health. I was still twenty pounds underweight, wearing a wig because I suffered from hair loss in correlation with the heavy prescribed medication and was in physical pain due to severe arthritis. I was embarrassed of my situation to say the least.

I vividly remember asking my friend CorEy to help me get dressed for the Teen Vogue blogger lounge since the swelling in my hands and ankles made it painful as well as difficult for me to dress myself. Words can’t convey the humility I gained from my experience. I’m not a victim, this is not “poor me.” I’m sharing my story for the exact opposite reason. These circumstances have only made me stronger, more determined and more grateful. That is why I am so especially thankful and excited to share stories about women like Kristin with the Make-a-Wish foundation and later this week, breast cancer survivor, Lauren with the Daily Debut. Thank you for following Rich Skinny Pretty these last five plus years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely hope we continue to inspire you.

Now without further ado, I welcome you to the relaunch of RSP. Let's meet Kristin:

RSP: Occupation ?

Kristin: I'm the Wish Assist Manager at the Make-a-Wish foundation. I always knew I wanted to help people, I just didn’t know in what arena. I had a couple of jobs that I did because I thought I was meant to do them-ones that utilized my degree yet I was absolutely miserable. I was so lost and worried that I would never find something I was passionate about. I always resented the quote “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” because I wanted that so badly, but hadn’t found it yet.

I think I finally came to the realization that I couldn’t settle, so I didn’t. I reached the decision that I was the pilot of my own journey and if I was going to do anything worthwhile in life, I needed to pursue what I wanted to do…without the influence of others. No one should feel trapped. I think being “comfortable” and fear also paralyzed me for a while. Everything I did acted as a stepping-stone for what I would eventually end up doing. And looking back, everything I did led me to where I am at Make-A-Wish, and I am extremely grateful for that.

RSP: Which experience has helped you grow the most?

Kristin: Working for Make-A-Wish has made me realize that life is such a beautiful gift and one that we take advantage of too often. It’s incredible how a child can teach you so much. These kids are inspirational, motivational and some of the strongest people I have ever met. I was really sick when I was a kid, so I get it. I can relate to what they’re going through and it’s a hard thing to take in at such a young age. Instead of playgrounds and going to school, your childhood gets tainted by doctor’s appointments and surgeries-it’s scary and it’s a heavy weight to carry that young.

I find a lot of peace in sharing my story. I discovered that everyone has a story. A story that not only deserves to be told, but heard as well. It took me a while to be comfortable sharing mine, but once I did, I found people were able to relate to it and in some cases, it gave them the ability to share their own. If what I went through can help one person get through what they’re dealing with, that right there is enough.

RSP: How can you use this experience to help others?

Kristin: I want to use what I went through as a kid (as well as my experience at Make-A-Wish) to spread the message that’s important to care about others and care about what they are going through. I think compassion and kindness are two things a lot of us lack in this world. When someone is going through an uphill battle, they need to know that they’re not alone in their fight.

Many of us are lucky to have our health, but others are not as fortunate. We can never take advantage of that.

RSP: Career Tips? 

Kristin: If you haven’t found your passion, keep looking, don’t give up and don’t settle. You’ll find it eventually and don’t get discouraged that you won’t. I hope you know that it’s O.K. to start over and start again. You’re the captain of your own path and it’s O.K. to switch courses every once in awhile if it’ll lead to a more fulfilling life and better future. This is your own beautiful, magnificent life…choose to have an adventurous one.

Wealth is defined in a number of ways.  To me, it’s not defined monetarily. I’m sure being rich financially would be great, but I know that’s not what I was meant to do in this world. I just care to be a good person. And if that’s all I ever do in life, I’ll be completely content.

RSP: Beauty Fix? 

Kristin: Moisturizing-my face and skin. I do it every morning and every night. I also love my MAC Zoomfast mascara!

RSP: Fashion Fix?

Kristin: I love wearing heels (I’m clumsy though, so I need to be careful!!!). I’m definitely NO fashionista though and would consider my style to be eclectic. I shop at Buffalo Exchange and TJ Maxx, I think you can find the coolest things at those places. I do look out for trends and if I see one I like, I’ll try it out. I just really like to be comfortable and I think that’s when I feel the sexiest.

Honestly, I beat to my own drum when it comes to clothes.

RSP: Last Words of Advice?

Kristin: Everyone is different. We all have differences, imperfections, faults, but that’s what makes us unique. And we need to understand the importance of that. If we go into the world with positive intentions, filled with love, truth, kindness and courage, we can have the ability to change the world and impact others. You can’t rid the world of evil. Evil is always going to exist, but you can contest evil by putting as much good into the universe as possible.

RSP: Well, we couldn't agree more. You're definitely on to something, Kristin. 

Bisous ♥